Function SendMaiTrig not work
I configured the sendmailtrig function exactly like the help, but the system gives me a lot of errors d'écran 2019-01-10 21.53.49.png?dl=0 d'écran 2019-01-10 09.56.36.png?dl=0
thank for you help
Hello @msoenen,
I just downloaded your project and the compilation works well. Is this really the same version as you have?
There may be a small difference in version, but neither of them works
in the other version I have encoded the variable data directly into the property screen of the function block, but in this case, the system does not return any error, but there is no reaction when activating the "send" entryWhat is the best solution? variables related to the function block, or values encoded in the function block?
@msoenen That is because Mervis is not able to use SSL/TSL connections to the SMTP servers. As Google describes here you have to use server in order to be able to send the email using an unencrypted connection but using this server you can only send the mail to Gmail/Gsuite users.
I looked at this solution, but unless I'm mistaken, it requires a Google G-suite account, a domain name and the service is paid.
everything seems very complicated to send an alarmis there no other way to transmit an alarm?
via the scada? or via an android application?
thank you in advance -
@msoenen actually not, just test what I wrote in my previous post