Info Point Neuron
That you know once you have programmed a UNIPI or a Neuron.
the operating logics and the points made visible .. are it possible to pull them up with an OPC server?
what kind of language does it have as you can see points created in read and write so that you can use it with third parties?
Mobus? Bacnet? -
@TriathletC I have not tried OPC before but TCP Modbus works pretty OK. You can create both client and server....
So if I want to cede my points I will have to do the logic and schedule the nuron as the right client?
The problem, however, is to understand later how to find the modbus addresses created to be able to surrender. -
@TriathletC It is up to you if Neuron will be server or client. And also it is up to you to which register you want to map which variable.
Practically I would make it visible and map the points in logic that I make visible ..
such as a set point taken from a PI logic block.
The Visible Points Used in the Curve ..
basically the points made visible in the mervis to create a HMI ... I would like to make them visible and writeable by third parties .. I'm just one more expense of other companies .. -
@TriathletC Ok, now I am completely lost.. Could you please explain better what is the question now? Maybe google translator is not the best way to help to discuss technical issues
@tomas_hora You perfectly perfectly google translate .. it does not work well ..
Anyway, I wanted to make visible the points created in the programming logic via the Mervis .. use it via a third-party or PLC.
Is the question now comprehensible? -
@TriathletC Nice :) And yes, that is easily doable.
Just create a new Server channel, select Modbus Server with TCP link protocol, add Server device and just create the registers and map the variables of your application.
do you have any examples to show me in courtesy? -
@TriathletC Check the Help - F1 and search for Modbus server