B37 how to change time settings of block
Hello all,
we use the B37 in heat exchange stations. We regulate for temperature on return water temperature.
But closed loop delay is about 15 min, then with this regulator i get high peak on heating water.Is any way to to get slower regulation?
Hello @derinex,
as I do not know any details about your system, there is hard to help you. B37 is a standard PID regulator without any advanced features (such as integrator limiter - anti-windup, derivation filter nor any kind of auto-tuning). You can try the following:
Tune-up PID parameters - e.g. try to turn off the integration (I) and derivation(D) parts or change proportional(P) gain. As an inspiration, you can see the old well-known tuning method by Ziegler-Nichols (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ziegler–Nichols_method). Unfortunately, these methods may not be sufficient for systems with significant transport delay (which is probably your case).
Use a regulator with more advanced structure. But, this kind of FUPLA blocks is not a part of the current version of Mervis IDE. Therefore, you have to compose it of basic blocks (or extend the B37). This approach requires a deep knowledge of the problematic.
I am sorry, but there is probably no simple ready-to-use (or plug-and-play) solution.
Thanks for deep analysis of this problem. I know the possibilities to tuning by changing the parameters, but this is not working well.
I will make new block on my own as you suggest.
best regards