Hello again,
thanks for the clarification. I'll try ASAP
At the end of the day, I have two xS30 on the Modbus.
So I need to use the DIP switches:
- What does N/E? In which position is N and in which E. By default all switches are "up".
- In which position is 19200 for the 19.2/9.6 switch? "up" == 19200
I assume to have to configure the first xS30 to address 1 and the second to address 2.
What are the proper modbus settings when all other DIP switches are in default state? 19200, no parity, one stopbit?
Do I need to run the xS30 through a power cycle after changing the DIP switches?
Does the xS30 need a power cycle at reboot of the L403?
Thanks for your help