How to passing real type value through ModbusTCP ?
I am not sure that here is the right place to ask.
I want read real value on Mervis from Touch Screen MT8071ip,
I bought shop here. I could read and write on type of int value,
but I don't know how to configure for real.thank you.
Hello @ayone0518,
you need to pull 32bit data, so you have to define element which spans over 2 registers. This is done via the Multibyte Length property, which you have to set to 4 (4 bytes = 32 bits)If it is possible, I would suggest to turn the communication around. Make the Mervis a Modbus Slave (server) and the Weintek Modbus Master. Configuration in the Mervis will be much easier. Try following this tutorial: and here you can see how to set it against Weintek:
Best regards,