http post
Hi, I am able to post a bulk request with this function node:
msg.url = ""; msg.headers =JSON.stringify({"content-type":"application/json"}); msg.payload = JSON.stringify({"group_queries": [{"device_types": ["temp"]}]}); return msg;
in oder to get all 1-wire sensors.
But I have problems to write the code for setting relay 5 to on (post) or to write the code for getting the status of relay 5 (get).
Would very much appreciate your help in this case. -
solved it!
msg.url = ""; msg.headers =JSON.stringify({"content-type":"application/json"}); msg.payload = JSON.stringify({"value": "1","timeout": "20"}); return msg;
this works as well:
msg.url = ""; msg.headers ='({"content-type":"application/json"})'; msg.payload = '({"value": "1","timeout": "20"})'; return msg;