UniPian Neuron OS on UniPi 1.1
Hi I have installed UniPian Neuron OS(UniPian-Neuron-OS-2018-06-15-BETA) based on the instructions. I have waited 10 min, then tried to reboot. I van see only 1wire devices. No Inputs or Outputs. Where is the issue?
@martin-trojan So you are installin UniPian Neuron OS on UniPi 1... Really?
Ok. When you write it like that it makes sence :). I have readed UniPi 1st generation -> This is the same image as for Neurons -> Click -> Choosed image only with Evok. Opensource images was not familiar for me as I was looking for prepared image. Maybe try to make it more obvious and place guide from git hub on the same page, to make it consistent. Anyway thank you for your reply.