EVOK installation error on unipi 1.1 when deselecting wifi
Hi Tomas,
I just updated my evok today. It worked ok until I reached install wifi(y/n). I entered no and after a while the system came back with an internal error. Older evok versions did not have this problem.
Fortunately my application is still running after reboot but I would suggest that you better check it. -
@juntiedt What RPi do you have? I guess the installation went OK, or not? There might be more robust solution so that it does not ask you for wifi if there is no wifi on your RPi, but it's not critical issue I guess...
I am using a Raspi 3 with wifi. Although I had the system error message my App runs ok. When I did the last update of evok in January there was no error when I selected no for wifi.
@juntiedt OK, thanks for the additional info. We'll take a look at it.