UniPi is not detecting DS2413
Re: DS2413 output
The UniPi 1.1 module does not have any problems to detect and handle the temp senosr DS1820. The system is not detecting the one wire module DS 2413, I tried it with several modules without success. Pls let me know what I can do to solve the problem.
@seecosmea Currently only DS2408 is supported. Implementing DS2413 should not be difficult but we do not have the sensor to test the implementation. I started a issue on github, once this is implemented, please test.
Does it mean that I do habe to download updated EVOK ? - Is the implementation taking place inside EVOK software ? Pls let me know once new "Software" is available with detailed informations what do do ...
@seecosmea As you can see on github, this will be available in the next release. So yes, you will need to download the new version of evok after its released to the public
The new Evok software installed but the problem is still existing.
The webpage is showing under: Inputs / 1 Wire Sensors / Devices my DS18B20 temperatur sensors only but not the DS2413 Adafruit 1-Wire GPIO Sensor......
The 1-Wire GPIOs have to be included in the configuration file in order to work. There is an example of how it should be done at the bottom of the UniPi 1.1 configuration file ( https://github.com/UniPiTechnology/evok/blob/master/etc/evok-unipi1.1.conf ).