1wire sensors returns 85°C or "null"
I have two 1wire sensors connected to an hub. They work for a while but sometimes one sensor (not both) start send 85°C or both become null and than they stop send right values once they become null.
How can I fix this? What could be the problem that causes this?
I'm running evok on port 8080, Emoncms on port 80 and Node-Red on port 1880.
One more info: after sensor start send null values I need to restart evok service than they start work again correctly.
@roberts_lando The 85°C is a Power-On-Reset value, which the sensor is sending between powerup and the first measurement. Check all your connections and make sure to follow the guideline https://www.unipi.technology/hardware_documentation/1-wire-network-46
Could you describe how your 1wire network looks like - how many sensors, what are the lengths...
I'm using two 1wire temperature sensor connected to an hub, both are 3 meters long.
@roberts_lando Do you have the possibility to check the RJ45 connectors of the sensor or better make a new ones?