New OS for Unipi 1.1 with Node-Red
I'm having trouble using the currently available OS with Node-Red for Unipi 1.1 as node.js is old, the newest version of it is not compatible with the OS of which the upgrade doesn't really work and so on.
Is there any new release or is there an explanation how to use any standard raspbian and install Node-Red and EVOK?
I just tried installing it on a fresh Bullseye install as described here:
Even though I can see the UI of EVOK, there are no switches, nor any other sensors.
@chaperone7618 new OS will be available (hopefully) sometime in Q1/2023
last Node-RED OS version is from 2022/06 :(
@lukas009 Thanks for your feedback.
That's sad because Node-RED 3 is really a must now as several modules are only compatible with 3.