FHEM compatibility
Fhem should now work properly with all Unipi versions (tested with L503 and M203) and the extensions xS11, xS51 and xG18.
All inputs and outputs are correctly recognised and automatically created. The analogue inputs can be configured for resistance, voltage and current. The range can be set.
Many thanks to Klaus from the FHEM forum for adapting the module. -
Hello @Stoeffel do you have any link or examples?
Hello Thomas
Exemple with L503, xS51 and xG18. I also have some
DS18B20 on the 1Wire Bus.
Install Steps:- Check if everything is configured and works correct in evok
- Check output of <IP_of_Neuron>/rest/all in your Browser
- Install FHEM from the repository (https://fhem.de/#Installation)
- Connect FHEM with your Neuron by typing: define <Name> Neuron <IP>:80
- set attributes like in the picture (see on the bottom) below
After that all inputs and outputs get recogniced automatically.
You will get a room named NeuronPin with all devices.Example (with some changed names):
Example of a analog input with a PT1000 Sensor for Temp. mesurment:
Example of a analog input with a Honywell PX3 pressure sensor:
I am developing a control system with FHEM for my distillery with a heat recoupling for the building heating of the residential house. When I'm finished, I'll be glad to present the project to you.