I have UniPi 1.1 Lite expansions board connected to the Raspberry Pi 3. Documentation says that UniPi 1.1 Lite have 1-wire-bus connection (RJ45) as follows: Vcc = pins 4+5, GND = 3+8 and DQ = 6+7, pins 1+2 are not connected/used. I have tested RJ-cable pinout, all pins 1..8 are conneccted.
I have tested 1-wire bus functionality with two (2) DS18B20 temperature sensors. It seems, that if I use pin 6 as DQ, I cannot read/found any device connected to the 1-wire bus. If I use pin 7 as DQ, both sensors are found on the 1-Wire bus.
Sensor DS18B20 - 28C3951E020000DF 21.4°C
Sensor DS18B20 - 2857851E020000CE 21.4°C
Please confirm, is pin 6 really used as DQ pin, or have I forgotten something?
Best regards,