Sorry to hijack this thread a little, but it seems that I have a very similar problem, so maybe this can help both of us?
I get the same empty web interface, but I'm not using Codesys as far as I know.
I started with a bare install of Raspbian stretch lite, installed a few basic things
apt-get install git vim supervisor python-gpiozero
Then followed the installation instructions from the evok git repository.
I get the same error:
$ tail /var/log/evok.log
2018-01-24 11:03:13,781 - evok - ERROR - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'do_scan'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/evok/neuron.py", line 225, in scan_boards
yield self.modbus_cache_map.do_scan()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'do_scan'
2018-01-24 11:03:14,283 - evok - ERROR - 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'do_scan'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/evok/neuron.py", line 225, in scan_boards
yield self.modbus_cache_map.do_scan()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'do_scan'
status looks ok to me :
$ systemctl status evok
● evok.service - Evok Modbus/Websocket/Rpc Server
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/evok.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-01-24 11:03:18 UTC; 3min 50s ago
Main PID: 340 (python)
CGroup: /system.slice/evok.service
├─340 /usr/bin/python /opt/evok/evok.py
└─464 /usr/bin/python /opt/evok/evok.py
Jan 24 11:03:44 unipi01 OWFS[464]: DEFAULT: ow_reconnect.c:(72) DS2482-100 bus master reconnected
Jan 24 11:04:11 unipi01 OWFS[464]: DEFAULT: ow_reconnect.c:(72) DS2482-100 bus master reconnected
Here are the open ports:
$ netstat -le
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State User Inode
tcp 0 0* LISTEN root 12789
tcp 0 0* LISTEN root 9194
tcp 0 0* LISTEN root 12806
tcp 0 0* LISTEN root 10395
tcp6 0 0 [::]:ssh [::]:* LISTEN root 12791
tcp6 0 0 [::]:http-alt [::]:* LISTEN root 10396
udp 0 0* avahi 10357
udp 0 0* avahi 10359
udp 0 0* root 9499
udp6 0 0 [::]:mdns [::]:* avahi 10358
udp6 0 0 [::]:56078 [::]:* avahi 10360
raw6 0 0 [::]:ipv6-icmp [::]:* 7 root 9502
Active UNIX domain sockets (only servers)
Proto RefCnt Flags Type State I-Node Path
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 11523 /run/user/1000/systemd/private
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 12867 /tmp/tmux-1000/default
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 11528 /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 11531 /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 11533 /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.extra
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 11535 /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.browser
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 10769 /var/run/supervisor.sock.530
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 9275 /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 9278 /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 9281 /run/thd.socket
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 9399 /var/run/dhcpcd.sock
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 9401 /var/run/dhcpcd.unpriv.sock
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 6355 /run/systemd/private
unix 2 [ ACC ] SEQPACKET LISTENING 6369 /run/udev/control
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 6372 /run/systemd/fsck.progress
unix 2 [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 6375 /run/systemd/journal/stdout
Rebooting and restarting evok (via sudo service evok restart
) doesn't help.