Evok service startup problem during cold boot
My configuration is as follows:
UnipiBoard rel 1.1
Raspberry PI B ethernet connected. No other usb used.
Raspian wheezy (latest apt-get upgrade)
Evok (26/Nov github commit)
Unipi + Raspberry powered "separately" by a meanwell DR-15-5Sometimes, having the raspi + unipi unpowered due to a mains power blackout, when the system is re-powered and back to live, the evok service starts-up correctly but it seems not to recognize Unipi.
If I open the evok control panel webpage, the normal page appears with the "Inputs" and "Outputs" tabs, BUT without the rows corresponding to the diferent inputs and relays.Then, If I restart the evok service (sudo service evok restart) without restarting raspi (sudo reboot), all seems to work fine.
This situation occurs on two different instalations with the same configuration (raspi B, Unipi, meanwell). So, no individual defective part.
My feeling is that evok service starts-up before the "unipi/gpio service" becomes ready.
Browsing the source code, I have found that evok has dependences on the "pigiod deaemon"
So, I have modified my /etc/init.d/evok service script to add pigpio as a required start parameter for evokBEGIN INIT INFO
Provides: Evok
Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog $network $time pigpio
Because is very difficult to me to reproduce the error, I am not sure if this trick will do the job.
My configuration is as follows:
UnipiBoard rel 1.1
Raspberry PI B ethernet connected. No other usb used.
Raspian wheezy (latest apt-get upgrade)
Evok (26/Nov github commit)
Unipi + Raspberry powered "separately" by a meanwell DR-15-5Sometimes, having the raspi + unipi unpowered due to a mains power blackout, when the system is re-powered and back to live, the evok service starts-up correctly but it seems not to recognize Unipi.
If I open the evok control panel webpage, the normal page appears with the "Inputs" and "Outputs" tabs, BUT without the rows corresponding to the diferent inputs and relays.Then, If I restart the evok service (sudo service evok restart) without restarting raspi (sudo reboot), all seems to work fine.
This situation occurs on two different instalations with the same configuration (raspi B, Unipi, meanwell). So, no individual defective part.
My feeling is that evok service starts-up before the "unipi/gpio service" becomes ready.
Browsing the source code, I have found that evok has dependences on the "pigiod deaemon"
So, I have modified my /etc/init.d/evok service script to add pigpio as a required start parameter for evokBEGIN INIT INFO
Provides: Evok
Required-Start: $remote_fs $syslog $network $time pigpio
Because is very difficult to me to reproduce the error, I am not sure if this trick will do the job.
Good point! Will test and push an update. Thanks
After adding "pigpiod" to the "Required-Start" label for evok daemon script … I am still in problem when warm/cold reboot raspberry with UnipiBoard.
So, I have decided to cron an evok service restart after some seconds after a raspberry restart.
Here is the steps if someone find it useful:ssh into your raspberry
open session as root:sudo -s
edit root´s crontab:
crontab -e
Add this line to the end:
@reboot /bin/sleep 200 && service evok restart
Save crontab file & reboot