Manage Digital Input/Output of unipi neuron m103
Hi, i want to switch on a light in digital output 1.1. How can I do it?
I'm using nodejs server over modbus-rtu.My settings are:
this.client.connectRTUBuffered(Configuration.modbus.port, { baudRate: 38400, dataBits: 8, parity: 'none', stopBits: 1 }, async () => {'Modbus: connected!'); resolve(); });
Normally via rtu if I need to query a slave I just put slaveId and the register. But if I need to query slaveId of unipi and query the register of digital output how can i manage this?
I Try with:
this.client.setId(15) // Default address of Unipi?? this.client.writeRegister(1,1) // Registers from group 1
But nothing happens, can you help me? I can just use gpio?
I have installed evok too, if can help -
Hi @DSurname ,
if I understand it correctly, you are running your application on the M103 and you want to control the inputs/outputs on the M103? In that case, you cannot (or shouldn't) use ModbusRTU, because there is no Modbus Slave (Server) running on the M103 by default. To access those inputs/outputs, you can use many of the supported interfaces described in the official documentation: