1-Wire rpc Problem
I am un Unipi V1.1 User and I would like using 1-Wire devices with python scripts.
It doesn't work !Here is my script and the error :
from jsonrpclib import Server
s.owbus_scan(1)Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module>
ProtocolError: (-32603, u'Internal Error')However, in the web interface, the Device DS18S20 works perfectly.
Thank you for your help !
Hi @Raph7454!
The 1Wire RPC interface isn't properly backported to the UniPi 1.1. That said I have now made the necessary changes to make it work. You will need to reinstall your image before the changes come up.
I hope this clears it up for you,
Kind Regards
Hi Tomas !
Thank you so much for your help
I work with Raspberry PI 3 and Raspbian Stretch 9.4.
I have installed Evok two weeks ago.What do you mean about "image" please, can I just make a manually re-install of Evok API ? what's the best way to do that please ? I am a beginner with Linux OS..
I see your files : "tknot Fixed 1Wire RPC for UniPi 1.1" in https://github.com/UniPiTechnology/evok/tree/master/evok
Best regards -
Hi @Raph7454,
Yes you will need to reinstall EVOK. Please use a clean Raspbian installation if possible, which is to say reinstall both EVOK and Raspbian.
EVOK makes a number of changes to Raspbian, and installing it twice on the same installation can potentially cause issues.
Kind Regards,