1Wire unipi in codesys 3.5
let me ask, why do I get red triangle on Onewire module.
I noticed that my 1wire ID looks different then what I have read on other forums.
Any idea how to solve this?
Thank you in advance.
Hello ak7478,
The red triangle on a device in CODESYS implies that there is a fault with the device, or with communicating to the device. Typically when supporting customers with one wire on the UniPi 1.1 the issue is one of these causes:
Raspbian is not correctly configured for 1-wire support using the 1-wire master. In the data sheet for CODESYS for UniPi, downloadable from the CODESYS store are full instructions on how to configure Raspbian. The simplest method is co copy the supplied shell script to a clean installation of Raspbian, run the script using sudo and everything will be correctly configured.
Users have attempted to install one wire support before or after running the above installation script. In this case it is common to end up with two 1-wire masters configured in Raspbian, one of which is configured to user the GPIO on the Raspberry Pi, and the other to use the 1-wire controller on the UniPian board. This is almost certainly not what is intended, it is likely the GPIO 1-wire bus is not connected to the 1-wire connector, and may 'fight' with the GPIO used for IO on the UniPi board. In this circumstance I recommend installing a fresh copy of Raspbian on the SDCard, and installing the CODESYS for UniPi drivers as described in the data sheet.
The wrong 'Unique device address' has been entered in the CODESYS configuration. Again the datasheet describes how to find the addresses of connected devices. There are also sample applications thatare shipped with CODESYS for Raspberry Pi that show the connected devices in CODESYS. This application will run on the UniPi 1.1 and show the connected devices.
A user is attempting to use an unsupported device type on the 1-wire bus. Not all 1-wire devices are supported by CODESYS. CODESYS for UniPi does add device support for several UniPi expansion modules, the details are in the datasheet. There may be support for some other devices available from the CODESYS forums.
5.A user is trying to use Unipian rather than Raspbian. UniPian supports the UniPi Neuron devices and not the UniPi 1.1 or UniPi lite boards.
- It is possible that there is a faulty device, however I have not yet had a fault report that turned out to be a faulty device.
The majority of users solve their issues by carefully reinstalling Raspbian and CODESYS for UniPi using the instructions in the datasheet.
In your case looking at the supplied screenshots, it looks as though you have the wrong Unique Device address. Check carefully from the datasheet where you should find the device addresses, it looks as though you have a value taken from the directory containing the 1-wire bus master devices, rather than the devices on a specific bus.
regards David
thank you. It is better now.
One more question about programing... how to retrive the temperatuer from sensor?
I can read few parameter except temperature value.It looks that the issue I have is related to the /boot/config.txt file (dtoverlay=w1-gpio). Is this OK?
Thank you in advance.