websocket send command
I am experimenting with websocket send. I want to replace the hard coded command with variables. Unfortunately without success. See code:
import websocket import json from time import * #sending messages ------------------------------------ def send_data(CMD,DEV,CIRCUIT,VALUE): print("sending data : ",CMD,DEV,CIRCUIT,VALUE) x = ("%s" %('"cmd"' + ":" + '"' + CMD + '"' + "," + '"dev"' + ":" + '"' + DEV + '"' + "," + '"circuit"' + ":" + '"' + CIRCUIT + '"' + "," + '"value"' + ":" + '"' + VALUE + '"')) print(x) ws = websocket.WebSocket() ws.connect("ws://localhost/ws") #ws.send('{"cmd":"all"}') #ws.send('{"cmd":"set","dev":"relay","circuit":"3","value":"0"}') ws.send('{("%s" %('"cmd"' + ":" + '"' + CMD + '"' + "," + '"dev"' + ":" + '"' + DEV + '"' + "," + '"circuit"' + ":" + '"' + CIRCUIT + '"' + "," + '"value"' + ":" + '"' + VALUE + '"'))}') #ws.send('{"%s" %(x)}') ws.close() #main program ----------------------------------------- # send_data("set","relay","5","1") sleep(10)
Any idea what I am doing wrong here?
Also command "cmd":"all" is not working.I am running evok on Stretch. Are there still problems with the new os?
I find it difficult to find the needed libraries for stretch and Python3. It would be helpfull to have some tested links for download.appriciate your help.
I found it:
#sending messages def ws_send(CMD, DEV, CIRCUIT, VALUE): ws = websocket.WebSocket() ws.connect(url) ws.send('{"cmd":"%s","dev":"%s","circuit":"%s","value":"%s"}' %(CMD,DEV,CIRCUIT,VALUE)) ws.close()