Curl works, Python http.client.request not fully
I'm new to the Unipi. I have Python and general coding/programming experience.
I have the Unipi 1.1 and a RaspberryPi 3B+. I want to create an application to monitor the rpm of a machine, and if the rpm is ok, i output a signal on a relay.
For this, i need to read analog and digital inputs and write relay states. I started to play a bit with the Evok API and i ran into following problem:
1: command line: curl http://localhost:8080/json/input/{1,2} - works
2: command line: curl http://localhost:8080/json/{input,ai}/{{1,2},1} - works
3: python: conn.request("GET", "/json/input/1", payload) - works
4: python: conn.request("GET", "/json/input/{1}", payload) - does not work
5: python: conn.request("GET", "/json/input/{1,2}", payload) - does not work
6: python: conn.request("GET", "/json/input/%7B1%7D", payload) - does not workOutput of #2:
{"status": "success", "data": {"bitvalue": 0, "glob_dev_id": 0, "value": 0, "circuit": "1", "time": 0, "debounce": 0, "counter_mode": false, "dev": "input"}}{"status": "success", "data": {"bitvalue": 0, "glob_dev_id": 0, "value": 0, "circuit": "2", "time": 0, "debounce": 0, "counter_mode": false, "dev": "input"}}{"status": "success", "data": {"bitvalue": 0, "glob_dev_id": 0, "value": 0, "circuit": "1", "time": 0, "debounce": 0, "counter_mode": false, "dev": "input"}}{"status": "success", "data": {"glob_dev_id": 0, "modes": ["Simple"], "value": 0.0011303831752485904, "circuit": "1", "time": null, "mode": "Simple", "interval": 2.0, "bits": 18, "dev": "ai", "gain": 1}}{"status": "success", "data": {"glob_dev_id": 0, "modes": ["Simple"], "value": 0.0011303831752485904, "circuit": "2", "time": null, "mode": "Simple", "interval": 1.0, "bits": 18, "dev": "ai", "gain": 1}}{"status": "success", "data": {"glob_dev_id": 0, "modes": ["Simple"], "value": 0.0011303831752485904, "circuit": "1", "time": null, "mode": "Simple", "interval": 2.0, "bits": 18, "dev": "ai", "gain": 1}}
Output of #4-#6:
b'{"status": "error", "message": "Internal Server Error", "code": 500}'
import http.client conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("localhost:8080") payload = "{}" conn.request("GET", "/json/input/%7B1%7D", payload) res = conn.getresponse() data = print(data)
maybe the problem is, how the http.client.request method handles the URL. but i already tried to Encode the URL, and it didnt help...
What can i try now?
Best Regards
Max -
Hello @Maxiba,
the issue described occurs because the curl command sends two separate requests in fact (one for each input).
Opposite, the Python script does not have intelligence and sends exactly what you pass to it while Evok does not support this request syntax.
In your case, you can consider using JSON Bulk request to read/write more I/Os at once.
Thank you for the answer!
I am using the websocket API now, as this suits my requirements the most.
Have a nice day!