hi @marko2276,
Thank you for sharing your integration.
I am a beginner and now I used it for HA communication with NEURON M203 via EVOK layer. Installation of the integration and configuration of the LIGHT sensors (I used for DO and RO outputs) are fast and functional. Turning on/off the relay on M203 has a small response:
When I added the BINARY sensors (DI) configuration, the problem already arose => LIGHTs do not work at 100%:
I always check the configuration in Developer Tools before restarting HA:
- name: "neuron5"
type: M203
reconnect_time: 30
- platform: unipi_neuron
device_id: "neuron5"
- name: svetlo_garaz
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "1_02"
- name: svetlo_dilna
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "1_03"
- name: svetlo_vcelin
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "1_04"
- name: svetlo_zidky_1
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "2_05"
- name: svetlo_zidky_2
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "2_06"
- name: svetlo_zidky_3
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "2_07"
- name: majacek_svetlo_zelena
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "2_08"
- name: blikac_fasadni
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "2_11"
- name: svetlo_fasada_garaze
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "2_12"
- name: majacek_svetlo_zluta
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "2_13"
- name: majacek_svetlo_cervena
device: relay
mode: "on_off"
port: "2_14"
- platform: unipi_neuron
device_id: "neuron5"
- name: tlacitko_svetlo_fasada
device: input
port: "1_01"
- name: tlacitko_svetlo_garaz
device: input
port: "1_02"
- name: tlacitko_svetlo_dilna
device: input
port: "1_03"
- name: tlacitko_svetlo_vcelin
device: input
port: "1_04"
- name: kontakt_dalkove_ovladani_A
device: input
port: "2_01"
- name: kontakt_dalkove_ovladani_B
device: input
port: "2_02"
- name: tlacitko_otevreni_vrat
device: input
port: "2_03"
- name: tlacitko_zahradni_zalivka
device: input
port: "2_04"
- name: kontakt_vrata_v_pohybu
device: input
port: "2_05"
- name: kontakt_vrata_zavrena
device: input
port: "2_06"
- name: kontakt_vrata_otevrena
device: input
port: "2_07"
- name: kontakt_vrata_prekazka_v_zavreni
device: input
port: "2_08"
- name: tlacitko_opusteni
device: input
port: "2_09"
- name: kontakt_PIR_osoba_vgarazi
device: input
port: "2_10"
- name: kontakt_kour_v_garazi
device: input
port: "2_11"
Could you advise me where the problem could be?
I would also like to use this integration on the NEURON L303 and L403, where I have connected analog inputs, analog outputs, and 1-Wire temperature, humidity, and lighting sensors. Will you please complete the configuration for these mentioned inputs and outputs as well?
I look forward to your reply