Raspberry - Shell code for DS2413
I'am using the following shell command to get the 1Wire information values of a DS2413:
wget -qO-
I'am able to receive the A-IO and B-IO values with the upper command.
Please let me know if it is possible to the sent following code as well via wget to the DS2413, I would like to change the DS2413 Input to Output in order operate consumers with this chip.
echo -e '\x0' |sudo dd of=/sys/bus/w1/devices/3a-000000211837/output bs=1 count=1
(The '\x0' part should turn-on both outputs of the DS2413. Use '\x01' to turn on output 1 only, '\x02' to turn on output 2 only and '\x03' to turn them both off.)
I appreciate your assitance.
Hello @seecosmea,
as discussed here: https://forum.unipi.technology/topic/458/unipi-is-not-detecting-ds2413
You need to configure it in the evok.conf according to the example: https://github.com/UniPiTechnology/evok/blob/master/etc/evok-unipi1.1.conf#L247
Tks for your fast answer. I tried it really hard to follow your instructions but unfurtunalety without success.
I'am able to read IO/A and IO/B only; DS2413 as Input.
I have still the same problem that I can not change both Inputs to Outputs; I do not understand your instruction, Could you pls revert with an example and more detailed informations. Tks for your assistance in advance.
Could you post your evok.conf here?
You need to change the [1WINPUT_XYZ] to [1WRELAY_XYZ] for the appropriate pin. There are examples of both 1WINPUT and 1WRELAY in the configuration file.
[MAIN] config_version = 2.4 use_experimental_api = False ; Currently in Alpha - known issues regenerate_api_docs = False ; Active only with the experimental API setting log_level = ERROR ; One of INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL log_file = /var/log/evok.log ; Log file to use; will be cleared on boot port = 8080 ; !!! Internal API port - only change if you are certain you know what you are doing; FOR OUR WEB INTERFACE THE PORT SHOULD BE CHANGED IN "/etc/evok-nginx.conf" INSTEAD !!! ;modbus_port = 0 ;modbus_address = * webhook_enabled = False ; Enables webhook notification - see e.g. https://sendgrid.com/blog/whats-webhook/ webhook_address = ; Put your server endpoint address here (e.g. ) webhook_device_mask = ["input","wd"] ; List of device types to notify on (written as a JSON list) - adding AI will generate a large amount of messages! webhook_complex_events = False ; EVOK will send POST requests with the same data as WebSocket, rather than an empty GET request wifi_control_enabled = False ; !!! REQUIRES THE UNIPIAP WIFI CONTROLLER TO BE INSTALLED !!! Will allow evok to control the internal Neuron wifi soap_server_enabled = False ; Enables the simple SOAP server; use only if you need the functionality soap_server_port = 8081 ; !!! IF SOAP SERVER IS ENABLED, THIS PORT NEEDS TO BE UNIQUE (i.e. different from the port setting above) !!! [OWBUS_1] owbus = --i2c=/dev/i2c-1:ALL ; scanned bus (--i2c=/dev/i2c-1:ALL or localhost:2122 or 'u' for USB dongle) interval = 3 ; [s] default sensor reading scan_interval = 300 ; [s] how often is made searching ;[SENSOR_1] ; onewire thermometer ;bus = 1 ; link to OWBUS_X ;address = 28527B930500001F ;type = DS18B20 ;interval = 1 [I2CBUS_1] busid = 1 ;[integer] id of bus /dev/i2c-X ;[EPROM_1] ;EPROM device will not be used anymore, eprom should be handled by kernel module ;i2cbus = 1 ;address = 0x50 ;size = 256 [MCP_1] i2cbus = 1 ; link to I2CBUS_X address = 0x20 ; i2c address [RELAY_1] mcp = 1 ; link to MCP_X pin = 7 [RELAY_2] mcp = 1 ; link to MCP_X pin = 6 [RELAY_3] mcp = 1 pin = 5 [RELAY_4] mcp = 1 pin = 4 [RELAY_5] mcp = 1 pin = 3 [RELAY_6] mcp = 1 pin = 2 [RELAY_7] mcp = 1 pin = 1 [RELAY_8] mcp = 1 pin = 0 ;[AICHIP_1] ;i2cbus =1 ;address = 0x68 ;[AI_1] ;chip=1 ;channel=0 ;bits=18 ;gain=1 ;;correction = 5.558737622 ;;correction = 5.564920867 ;corr_rom = 1 ;corr_addr = 0xf0 ;interval=2 ;[AI_2] ;chip=1 ;channel=1 ;bits=18 ;gain=1 ;;correction = 5.558737622 ;;correction = 5.564920867 ;corr_rom = 1 ;corr_addr = 0xf4 ;interval=1 [GPIOBUS_1] [AO_1] gpiobus = 1 frequency = 100 [DI_1] gpiobus = 1 pin=4 debounce = 0 ;Enable counting on rising/falling edge or disable it ;By default(or parameter not present) this function is disabled ;Can be turned on on all on-board digital inputs (not inputs on 1Wire or other extensions) ;counter_mode = rising ;counter_mode = falling ;counter_mode = disabled [DI_2] gpiobus = 1 pin=17 debounce = 0 [DI_3] gpiobus = 1 pin=27 debounce = 0 [DI_4] gpiobus = 1 pin=23 debounce = 0 [DI_5] gpiobus = 1 pin=22 debounce = 0 [DI_6] gpiobus = 1 pin=24 debounce = 0 [DI_7] gpiobus = 1 pin=11 debounce = 0 [DI_8] gpiobus = 1 pin=7 debounce = 0 [DI_9] gpiobus = 1 pin=8 debounce = 0 [DI_10] gpiobus = 1 pin=9 debounce = 0 [DI_11] gpiobus = 1 pin=25 debounce = 0 [DI_12] gpiobus = 1 pin=10 debounce = 0 ;[DI_13] ;gpiobus = 1 ;pin=31 ;debounce = 0 ;[DI_14] ;gpiobus = 1 ;pin=30 ;debounce = 0 ; ;Example of 8xRelay extension module addon (EMO-R8) on address 0x21 ; ;[MCP_2] ;i2cbus = 1 ;address = 0x21 ;[RELAY_9] ;mcp = 2 ;pin = 7 ;[RELAY_10] ;mcp = 2 ;pin = 6 ;[RELAY_11] ;mcp = 2 ;pin = 5 ;[RELAY_12] ;mcp = 2 ;pin = 4 ;[RELAY_13] ;mcp = 2 ;pin = 3 ;[RELAY_14] ;mcp = 2 ;pin = 2 ;[RELAY_15] ;mcp = 2 ;pin = 1 ;[RELAY_16] ;mcp = 2 ;pin = 0 ; ;Example of Analog Output extension module EMO-Ao4/12 ; ;[PCA9685_1] ;i2cbus = 1 ;address = 0x40 ;frequency = 400 ; ;[AO_2] ;pca = 1 ;channel = 0 ; ;[AO_3] ;pca = 1 ;channel = 1 ; ;[AO_4] ;pca = 1 ;channel = 2 ; ;[AO_5] ;pca = 1 ;channel = 3 ;Example of 1W-4R/4DI extension module, 1W-8R is almost the same just replace inputs with relays ; ; - First map a new 1Wire sensor with appropriate address, type, and interval ; - Can use both SENSOR or 1WDEVICE syntax ; - Reading interval is crucial to achieve expected performance, default interval is 15s ; ;[1WDEVICE_2] ;bus = 1 ;address = 29F39A17000000BC ;type = DS2408 ;interval = 1 ; ;[1WRELAY_10] ;sensor = 2 ;pin = 0 ; ;[1WRELAY_11] ;sensor = 2 ;pin = 1 ; ;[1WRELAY_12] ;sensor = 2 ;pin = 2 ; ;[1WRELAY_13] ;sensor = 2 ;pin = 3 ; ;[1WINPUT_20] ;sensor = 2 ;pin = 4 ; ;[1WINPUT_21] ;sensor = 2 ;pin = 5 ; ;[1WINPUT_22] ;sensor = 2 ;pin = 6 ; ;[1WINPUT_23] ;sensor = 2 ;pin = 7
pls find my DS2413 details below:
{"value": null, "typ": "DS2413", "circuit": "3AFF60340000009E", "dev": "1wdevice", "address": "3AFF60340000009E"}
@seecosmea Why dont you modify your config as shown in the example?
[1WDEVICE_2] bus = 1 address = 3AFF60340000009E type = DS2413 interval = 1 [1WRELAY_10] sensor = 2 pin = 0
an so on...??
Thanks a lot :) !! Greeting from Shanghai