Checking internet connection within mervis
I have two Unipi Neurons installed in a remote house, which is connected to the internet only by 4G wireless modem.
I have openvpn based connection which I use to manage the Neurons and other network connected devices.The wireless modem die sometimes and then a power cycle is necessary.
I want to lead the power via one of the Neurons relay and implement that logic in mervis.
Please, can you recommend me how to attempt this? I don't know how to check the internet connection within mervis.
Thank you very much.
Currently, the best way is to find out the availability of the Internet connection in the OS and then write this information to the ModbusTCP server. You can create a ModbusTCP server directly in the OS as a separate program or define it in Mervis.
The subsequent logic for switching the relay on/off is already simple.
Best regards,
Antonin -
Thank you for your answer, even it was not what I expected.
The library of functions seems to be rather limited.