I performed an update today to the newest nodered OS image.
I took a OS backup using the service mode, to be safe
I took a file copy backup of /home/unipi and /etc
I flashed the new image
boot into the new image
set timezone
installed latest updates
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgradeupdated unipi firmware:
$ sudo /opt/unipi/tools/fwspi -u 1 -v -P -UStopped node-red
$ sudo systemctl stop node-redmoved /home/unipi/.node-red to /home/unipi/.node-red.old
copied /home/unipi/.node-red and /home/unipi/node_modules from the file-backup to the current system
rebooted unipi
Node-red came up with correct config. Inside Node-red I had to update the @unipitechnology/node-red-contrib-unipi-evok node-palette to v0.0.8 and then had to replace all unipi-evok inputs and outputs by their respective unipi-evok-v3 counterparts.
After that everything seems to be up and running again. (apart from my 1Wire temp sensor which seems no longer be detected by Evok.. but that is out of scope here, I assume)
Possibly you may have to configure more and or re-apply changes you did on previous OS image. (I had to also install and configure mosquitto mqtt for example.)